Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Daemon

I went to the offical Golden Compass website and took a 20 question quiz to determine who my daemon should be. My daemon is a male wildcat named Pereus. You should all take the quiz. It's so much fun!


Boylan Blog said...

My daemon is also a male wildcat named Rasthmus. RN

Amina said...

My daemon from the site was Remis, originally a wolf but, with the input of my friends, is now a wildcat.

I just took it again, since it's been a year, and my SECOND daemon (I'm so not getting rid of Remis!) is Leonidas, a fox demon (traits supposedly: modesty, proud, solitary, spontaneity and responsibility).

Irene R. said...

On the quiz it said my Daemon was a Tiger named Inachus. I AM modest assertive, competitive, solitary, & fickle.
So then what is my daemon like??

Personally I think my Daemon would have turned out to be a gold retriever. Because the way I see it your daemon is meant to be your other half. So a sort of opposite subconscious voice that completes you.

I think a Golden Retriever is the polar opposite of me. Enthusiastic, dense, happy, friendly, absent minded (yet loyal) etc...

But then again only the servants have canines as daemons, so I'm not entirely sure how that would work out :/
That's not really on my list of future goals.

Diana Kuruvilla said...

My daemon turned out to be a gibbon named Gabriel. (A gibbon is a small ape). My traits include: solitary, humble, modest, shy and assertive; most of which I agree with.

However, I think my daemon should be a hawk, a predator bird that is cunning, clever, intelligent, and quick to assess a situation. I think its characteristics balance out my traits of being a kind, patient person, a good listener and a slow thinker.

talal. said...

My daemon turned out to be a female mouse named Azaria, based on a profile of : spontaneous, clever, inquisitive, a leader, and relaxed.

However, I believe my daemon should be a porcupine, because I often worry I will hurt the people closest to me.

landi104 said...

It says that my profile of Modest, assertive, spontaneous, shy, and responsible matched me up with a male chimpanzee named OLIN.

I don't necessarily agree, because a 20 question quiz can't sum up my whole personality. I mean, it took a lot longer for a similar personality quiz to determine whether or not I was fit to work at CVS.

That being said, if I could pick any Daemon, it would have to be a Golden Retriever, (Sorry Irene) because they are carefree and obliviously happy all of the time, much like the opposite of myself.

Unknown said...

My demon was an ermine named Klitus. Assertive, modest, solitary, soft spoken, and spontaneous.