Sunday, February 17, 2008

Would I fight for a cause?

After reading about the Spanish Civil War, I realized that there are some causes that I would fight for. Although I am anti-war, I would fight for certain causes if there was no other way. I would definitely join the fight against fascism, much like the Spanish citizens who were fighting against Franco. If people in the past would have refused to rise up and fight against fascism and tyranny, then we would be living in a different world. Could you imagine if Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito were never defeated? Not only would the world be a different place, but many of us wouldn't be living today.

I think war is disgusting, and I do not support the killing of mankind if it can be avoided. However, certain leaders needed to be stopped. Unfortunately, you cannot reason with psychotic murderers, such as Hitler. Of course, I need to keep in mind that I have never witnessed the death of another human being, nor have I ever held a gun. Although I may support certain causes, I seriously doubt that I'm capable of hurting another person even if they're fighting for an evil cause. I hope that one day we can achieve world peace, but sadly I don't see it happening anytime soon.


Irene R. said...

Well I'm not going think about "what I would do" if I were confronted with an actual tyrant...I'm sure my entire self would be different, if I was raised during any of the mentioned periods.

However, in this present day, I could commit -w.o hesitation- to fighting for any children and my grandma. These would be the only two causes I think I'd devote actual action towards.

In the greater scheme of things: environment, economy, disease, cruel and unusual anything...I don't see a point. As far as I'm concerned (this is just MY opinion) we've got 2 maybe 3 full functioning generations left...then we're rotting out. There is no way back. Why fight for a planet that's got no hope?

Christina Lah said...

It's such a hard question, but there are a few things I would fight for. I would fight for my loved ones, animal rights, and women's rights. I do agree with Irene. I think humanity only has a few generations left.

EmilyCarman said...

Why bother fighting for children if you think the world is doomed? Children are the future, and if you think there's no future, then there's no point to fighting for children. Although I respect your opinion and understand what you mean, I don't agree with you. Yes, the world is screwed up. However, if you compare it to how it used to be..the world is moving in the right direction. At one time our country had slaves, women were treated like property, there was segregation, and many people were uneducated. Yes, today we are still faced with social inequalities, discrimination, war, poverty, homelessness, a bad economy, global warming, etc. However, that doesn't mean that there's no hope. We are obligated to consider future generations, and to continue working towards a better world. Humanity will eventually die out, but I'm hopeful that it won't be anytime soon.

talal. said...

^some very interesting comments.

I like to believe that the pen is mightier than the sword.
However, living in the world we live in, I understand how that ideal is not feasible towards corrupt leaders.
I support war in the sense that it is to prohibit extreme evil and persecution against certain groups of people.
Yet, I really do not see myself being able to kill anyone for a cause across the world.

I am not the aggressive type. I do not have a short temper and I am sure it would take a lot to make me actually make me angry that would fuel me towards a cause. Maybe if there were a sole reason for the death of my family and friends, then I would reconsider my affections.

Karishma said...

Though it seems like there have been great advancements in the human race in the past few centuries, it is extremely disturbing to think that after all that the world has been through, we are currently being forced to believe that humanity itself may be limited to maybe three more generations.
Though I cannot think of anything other than my family and my self-respect, that I would fight for, it makes me wonder about heroes of the past that did find it important to champion for the causes that we take for granted today. Were their sacrifices worth it? Would we still doubt the longevity of our culture and humanity even if they had not given up their time and in some cases, lives? It is unfortunate that even though there were people in the past and there are people today that feel strongly enough about certain causes and were/are willing to fight for, they may not realize that their efforts might just go to waste.

Irene R. said...

Well I wouldn't fight for children for the sake of this world's future. I would fight for the child, not for the greater outcome or meaning.

Why...? Because, for the few left, uncorrupted, innocent, deserving, I know emotionally & morally I would immediately be driven to take action, and I'd have (&had) no problem taking physical action.

Also, yes we have gone through bajjilions of social reformations over the past few centuries. My outlook on this world's future is actually based more on overpopulation, combined with environmental deterioration, not social scrutiny.

In response to Karishma's post, I do believe the sacrifices of the former were worth it. I believe this with my most selfish and slothful self. 1.I can't imagine living through any state but this one (I would most definitely have joined the causes) 2.I'm glad it's been taken care of for me by mine & your that I may enjoy and take full advantage of my freedom. As for my opinion, in the time-effectiveness. I'm all for making things better for as long as we're around.